Useful tips for the tourist

Almost every tourist, doing preparations to leave, pays a decent amount of time collecting and preparing such a long-awaited trip.
Carefully planned route and itinerary, wardrobe, a list of things and products in the way, financial issues and other important organizational issues. But often, despite thorough preparations, we forget to do something, to take or order, and it turns out it's only when the time and opportunity to correct the mistake anymore, and have to put up with the situation.
To avoid such situations and to protect your vacation from force majeure, and himself — from the spoiled mood, we have prepared for you a list of tips for the traveler through which the organization of such desired rest be better.
Tourist tip # 1: date of travel choose wisely
The price of the ticket depends on the date of travel and date of booking. According to the statistics the best you can buy tickets for flights with departures on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and book flights is Tuesday.
Please note that flights are running on the eve of holidays and on weekends are usually the most expensive and “burning” discounts on them are extremely rare, therefore, to postpone the ordering of tickets for the last days before the trip, hoping for an unexpected action, it is not necessary — the chance of such luck is very small.
Tourist tip number 2: cover the possibility of cancellation
From unforeseen situations no one is immune, and long-awaited vacation may fall at the last moment for various reasons — from unscheduled slammed suddenly to a sick pet. So even if you 100% believe in the immutability of his expected legal surroundings, just in case it is necessary to provide possibility of change of plans.
If you can book plane tickets, hotel, car or restaurant with the option of free cancellation, choose such options. Please note that if the deadline for cancellation with refund of the entire amount of advance payment is already missing, you can try to move the date at a later time, for example, a few weeks in advance — cancellations after that often becomes available again.
Tourist tip number 3: before you fly, be sure to get enough sleep
The theory that before flying to another time zone, it is better not to sleep, to put the body into the desired regime is actually nothing more than a myth. This technique, unfortunately, only will help you to double the stress received by the body — lack of sleep combined with the change of time zone depletes significantly stronger, which in turn reduces immunity and increases the chances of Contracting or to exacerbation of chronic diseases.
This is interesting: how to adapt to changing time zones?
Tourist tip number 4: use in airplane armrests
If you get a place in the middle of the series, feel free to use the armrests — this almost always prevents encroachment on your personal space from neighbors, and your flight will be more comfortable.
Tourist tip # 5: waiting in the airport
Sitting long time in one place is very tiring, so if you have to wait for your flight at the airport, spend time interesting and useful. Almost every terminal can boast some of its own attractions and good areas for shopping, where you can buy as Souvenirs and need functional products. By the way, some airports are even guided tours (free and paid).
Tourist tip number 6: connections are interesting
Indirect flights usually terrifying travelers by its very name, but in fact, thanks to them you can see the sights of the countries in which transplantation takes place from plane to plane. The gap between flights can be different — from 5-7 hours to almost a day, and during this time, you can easily manage to visit the key attractions of the city where the airport is located.
Tourist tip number 7: use the TSA app
Rules on hand baggage in different airports often different, and not to be in an embarrassing situation during inspection, it is better to see a list of allowed and prohibited for carriage in the aircraft cabin items. This can help in application Transportation Security Administration (TSA), which, incidentally, will tell you not only the provisions relating to carry-on baggage, but also information about the weather, flight delays, and more.
Tourist tip No. 8: use bags.
Probably each of us faced a situation when new clothes and Souvenirs purchased during the holidays, is simply not placed during the gathering back into a travel bag or suitcase. Travel bags-transformers in such cases are just the panacea — they will save all the nice gizmos, bought while traveling, and protect your right to free shopping!
Tourist tip number 9: the clothes turn rolls
To wear during the trip, take up less space and avoid wrinkling, it is necessary not to fold and compact fold rolls — here is such a little life hack from the professional travelers and people whose professions involve private business.
Tourist tip # 10: samples and miniatures on the road
To save space in your Luggage and reduce your Luggage weight, take the road kits, samplers and miniatures hygiene products and perfumes. For example, a bottle of your favorite spirits volume of 100 ml even for a two-week trip to spend just unreal, and heavy, bulky bottle of a very fragile glass — the companion during the holidays.
Sets mini samples of perfumes, creams, shampoos, hair conditioner and other necessary tools, you can buy or even get for free during promo-actions in stores.
Tourist tip # 11: clothing made from natural breathable fabrics
What would you travel in the road is better to wear loose clothing made from natural breathable fabrics. Linen, cotton, silk and ramie keep the temperature, are breathable and allow the skin to breathe, so during the trip you will feel much more comfortable.
Tourist tip No. 12: allocate things in suitcases evenly
If your journey will be quite long, and the things you have to take a lot of, distribute clothing and shoes to suitcases and bags evenly. It happens that the airline during the flight losing one of the bags of Luggage, and if you do find yourself in this situation, the remaining suitcase, you will have a few sets of clothes, matching shoes, and at least part of the necessary detail.
Tourist tip No. 13: handbags — hard “no”!
Even small ladies handbag may cause discomfort during travel.
If you wear it all day, the evening will get tired arms and shoulders, and the small size does not allow you to bring everything you need, but it is always Packed out, and find in it something is problematic, especially if it must be done quickly. Small sports bag with a long strap will be more practical and convenient solution.
Tourist tip No. 14: please watch your language
During a visit to another country pay close attention to their words and gestures — a completely safe in your opinion expressions, facial expressions and gestures might be interpreted by locals as an insult, rudeness or lack of education. And Vice versa — everyday for the indigenous inhabitants of the country which you came, words, or movements can be misunderstood already.
Tourist tip No. 15: local SIM cards — this is advantageous
For anybody not a secret that the roaming — it's expensive, but if during travel you have to use the mobile Internet, the expense can be astronomical. So a great alternative — SIM card of local operators. This is especially suitable for those who come to a foreign country for quite a long time.
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