Thailand: the hotline will change

In Thailand will be changed the telephone number of the service assistance in emergency situations — is 112 now need to call 911.
The decision reasoned irrelevant coincidence of the current phone number service with the 112th article of the Criminal code providing for punishment from 3 till 15 years of imprisonment for insulting the Thai king or members of his family. According to the government of the country, such a match may cast a shadow on the ruling dynasty, so in the near future single emergency number in Thailand will be the 911.
Will remain valid also some phone numbers municipal services — 191 and 1669, by calling on which you can call the police and an ambulance, respectively, but 911 applicants will be able to obtain a wider range of care and services.
The bill is about emergency telephone numbers in Thailand was adopted last Tuesday, July 14, 2015.
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