Freedom of choice
Freedom of choice

Return tickets

The refund of tickets for concerts

Purchased event tickets refundable and cannot be exchanged. Refunds for tickets purchased to concerts is only if the event is cancelled.

According to Ukrainian law, if you cancel/transfer/change of the event refund is made by the organizer of the event. The terms, conditions and refund tickets in such cases as set by the organizer. For activities that have been replaced or moved, in case the buyer does not agree to the replacement/transfer, the funds are returned before the day of the event.

Refunds for tickets in such cases is only possible provided the delivery ticket. There is not refund for lost or damaged tickets, including tickets, on which there are any corrections or if any artificial way hidden information.

How to return the ticket to the concert:

Download link application form for return of tickets. Filled application need to send a letter to the physical address of the company «Online Tikets”

To the email address send the payment receipt you bought a ticket that specifies the payment number, ticket number, payment date and amount. After confirmation by the company-organizer of the event and receipt of the original application to your designated Bank account (credit card number) funds will be transferred within five banking days.

Return tickets for the train, bus and plane

To refund tickets online, click the "Cancel Booking" button in your order list as shown in the image below:

After this, the funds will be returned to the card from which the payment was made, within 2-7 business banking days.

On return flight, bus and train tickets please contact us by phone +38(044) 502-74-38.