Dubai: a court for tourists-offenders

In 2015 in Dubai, one of the most popular tourist cities of the United Arab Emirates will start operating a special court for tourists.
A new judicial structure will be designed for the fastest possible resolution of cases of minor offences involving foreign guests.
As reported in legal Department of Dubai because of the very large number of tourists from different countries, who daily arrive in the Emirate, quite often there are cases of small offenses. This is mainly the use of alcohol in the wrong place, a violation of the rules of social conduct, driving while intoxicated and other similar events. Also sometimes tourists are not violators, but victims.
New trial in Dubai will focus on such cases, when the cases involved foreigners. This, according to the Department, will significantly accelerate court procedures, and foreigners do not have to stay at the time of trial in the country, prolonging their stay in the Emirates.
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