Timezones – adapt and conquer

In the summer we usually try to vacation some resorts away from home, and often when choosing the best places to stay most of us usually guided by the principle of “more is better”.
This solution makes sense – a different climate, different culture, interesting sights and unfamiliar kitchen will give a total maximum charge of new impressions and will make your holiday really bright and saturated.
But every coin has a flip side, and here it is the difference in time zones – no matter how around interesting and good, if the body is accustomed at this time to honestly fall asleep, he will not be happy with you others the wonders – it persists in demanding a well-deserved rest.
And so as quickly to adapt to the difference in time zones, not everyone can, and many often spend part of their vacation in half-asleep, and impressions from a tourist trip in the end be spoiled.
So what you need to do to easily adapt to changing time zones? Service Online Tikets have prepared for you a list of effective tips that will help as quickly as possible and without stress for your body to adapt to the abrupt change of day and night in other countries. In addition, you can also find recommendations for those who want sleep on the plane during travel.
10 tips on how to adapt quickly to changing time zones:
Tip 1: preparing for the journey
To truly enjoy every minute of this long-awaited well-deserved vacation, start preparing to change time zones in advance. Not everyone can go to bed much earlier than the usual time, but still, for the sake of a good holiday can be a little harder. If a few days before departure to the resort you will begin to sleep even for a few hours earlier (or later-depending on which way you change time zones) than usual, the body will be able to fairly easily adapt to significant changes over time.
Tip 2: assemble a first aid kit
If you are concerned about any chronic disease, headaches, or allergic reactions, remember that in a stressful situation, and the dramatic shift of day and night for the body is this stress or disease may temporarily worsen. This especially affects people with high and low pressure – the abrupt change of climate and time zones often provoke pressure surges, and they, in turn can cause headaches.
Before traveling to countries with other time zones be sure to consult with your doctor, and gather in his recommendations, travel medical kit. If the necessary medicines are always at hand, you will be insured from many unpleasant moments that can spoil your vacation in exotic countries.
Tip 3: set your watch to the new time
Here is the same principle as in transferring the clock a few minutes forward for those who is often late – even though you know about this little deception, but psychologically will still take the time adjusting to the time, which I see on the face of the clock.
Bring all your watches – watches and all the gadgets that you take with you to a new time, which will live throughout the holiday, and you will be much easier to adapt to the changed mode of the day.
Tip 4: physical exercise
During flights, especially long accumulated fatigue due to immobility – to sit a few hours in the cabin of the tires, even if the seat conveniently reclines. A good way for these events – to sleep during the flight, but not everyone can, so the easiest way to avoid discomfort from debilitating hours sitting in a chair – a strong physical load.
Try to take exercise before the flight – an intense jog, a set of exercises or simply physical labor will transform the enforced idleness during the flight to relax, after which you will feel a surge of strength and vigor. And with a cheerful mood elevated adaptation to the new time zone will be much faster and easier.
Tip 5: decaf diet
Before flying back to your country located in a different time zone, and during the flight in any case do not drink alcohol or drinks containing caffeine. Firstly, the flight is going to be an order of magnitude harder, and secondly, after landing, you will find it difficult to adapt and navigate in a new environment out of a sense of weakness and additional artificial displacement of biorhythms of the body caused by alcohol and energy drinks.
Besides, if you drink coffee or caffeinated beverages after arrival, you can face with insomnia.
Tip 6: all for comfort
Clothes and shoes you plan to wear on the flight should be as comfortable as possible – comfortable and not restrict movement. Also pay attention to the materials from which things are made – natural fabric will allow the body to breathe and helps to maintain the optimum comfortable temperature.
Do not use makeup, perfumes and lotions before the flight – allow your skin to maximally relax and breathe, because this has a positive impact on General health and therefore on your ability to adapt easily to a unfamiliar time zone.
Tip 7: timely sleep
You arrive at the destination in the morning or in the afternoon local time? Then in any case do not sleep during the flight and did not go immediately to sleep – “wrong” time around plus delayed sleep does not coincide with any one accustomed to your body, not with what the eyes see around, even more desorientiert you. Better to endure a few hours and go to bed already “new” time than completely undermine the biological clock and increase stress for your body.
Tip 8: more sun
After arriving at the new place go for a little while in the sun, sit in the shade. First, the body will feel that around the really day, and secondly, even a short stay in the sun will help to stimulate melatonin production and vitamin D.
Tip 9: drink plenty of water
Due to the stressful state in which the human body is when you change time zones, are becoming dehydrated. Of course, the only right decision in this case – to drink as much fluid as possible.
Also, be sure to drink plenty of water for those tourists who are prone to venous thrombosis – because of changes in pressure, anxiety, dehydration and a prolonged stay in an uncomfortable sitting position during the flight, the risk of blood clots increases. Stock up on water and fly, because the amount of water they give to passengers is small, and it may not be enough to quench your thirst.
Tip 10: don't fight the unusual schedule
Many tourists believe that the best way to cope with jet lag – this is not to try to adapt to the change in the time of the day or night. But if your trip is short, to cope with the syndrome of jet lag in this way will be difficult. This solution makes sense only if you reside in an unusual time zone for a long time – the body will gradually be able to adapt to the new mode of the day, and pulled into the rhythm of life.
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