10 tips for traveling with children

You have to travel with a baby? To stay was a good one, after a family vacation and you and your toddler were only a pleasant experience, you need to take care of a considerable number of nuances, because not only traveling with a child abroad, but travel in Ukraine can become a serious test for young parents.
To properly prepare the documents, carefully plan the route in advance, make a list of things and toys that you take with you, think about diet for a child, to collect the necessary medicine for his road kit — this is the minimum required, which is usually know the parents of the travelers.
We have prepared a short list of tips for parents traveling on vacation with children that will help your kid to spend time on the road fun, interesting and peaceful.
- For a start, take care of a convenient box, and comfortable it must be not only for you but for your little traveler. If the child will have some time to stand with you in line, it is better that he did it while sitting on a comfortable resistant a suitcase, but sometimes these durable bags with wheels can even be useful in the quality of the vehicle — this portable high chair will appeal to parents of young children.
- Pre-download to your gadget the games and apps that are popular and interesting kid, that at any moment it was possible to provide him a choice of several entertainment options.
- You should be provided many different options of entertainment and games for children. Ideally, imagination and available funds should be sufficient to replace “entertainment” every 15-20 minutes if necessary.
- Remember that tablet or another convenient (and preferably not too fragile) gadget with cartoons, films or children's gear during travel, it becomes really magical magic wand. Be sure to take care comfortable and safe for your child headphones so as not to cause discomfort to others.
- For good behaviour children should be encouraged. It can be any Goodies, small trinkets, and even their own toys.
- Bright stickers with the characters of favorite cartoons, funny animals or funny pictures are able to permanently take the child. You can give the baby stickers and, for example, a bottle of water, magazine or anything else for “jewelry” — it takes him at least 10-15 minutes.
- Food on the road should estesa long. For example, it can be raisins, nuts or small candy — and the child will eat, and parents have some time to stay in silence.
- If you fly, remember that the candies have to be the baby for takeoff and landing.
- Compactly stowed pillow or blanket is very useful if the baby will get tired and it will need to be put to sleep.
- Remember how as a child you were told scary stories about the special police, who come to punish the naughty little children? Warn little restless that there is «Aero-police”, which punishes those children who are ill at the airport or on the plane — tested by many generations of parents method and work here with a Bang!
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