Entry to Russia only

Entry to Russia for citizens of Ukraine from 1 January 2015 will be permitted only at presence of the passport — it is reported by the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.
As reported in the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, passengers who will be with them only a national passport, will be denied entry to the territory of Russia. Also the Ukrainians without a passport will not be allowed to Board planes from Ukraine to Russia.
The innovation will concern citizens of not only Ukraine but also other countries that are not included in the common economic space and the Customs Union. A new procedure of entry to Russia on the passport will be used on all types of checkpoints.
As reported in the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, such changes of the rules of entry to Russia do not involve the introduction of a visa regime with Ukraine, and are implemented in the framework of the program of increase of efficiency of control of migration processes.
updated: the Russian foreign Ministry reports that the entry in internal passports for citizens of Ukraine temporarily extended in 2015 in connection with the need to resolve intergovernmental agreement.
If you have any questions on registration of passports to citizens of Ukraine (the list of documents, time, cost, etc.), you can apply for the advice of our specialists through live chat, located on the right of this page, by phone +38 (0562) 31-91-91, +38 (050) 383-91-91, +38 (067) 531-14-11 or at our office at the address Dnipropetrovsk, Artema str., 2.
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