In Iceland will hurt elves

A lawsuit from the Icelandic human rights defenders, who defended the right of the elves to freely exist is likely to be rejected by the Supreme court of Iceland.
This position was expressed by the head of the legal Department of road construction of Iceland Stefan Erlandsson, Recalling the provisions of the legislation in mills.
Stefan Erlandsson believes that grounds for further blocking the construction of a highway between Alftanes and Hanabira, temporarily frozen in connection with the handling of the organizations that protect elves and the environment, no, and order for suspension of construction must be removed as soon as possible.
As reported in the statement of claim, human rights organizations feared a possible “harm to living in the place of construction of the highway of the elves”. Activists believe that the construction and operation of the highway will disturb the peace of living in these places elves, as the place of construction is located close to the local elf Church.
Despite the fact that many of these requests can seem absurd, because of complaints, associated with ‘threat of violation of habitat of the elves" in Iceland repeatedly suspended and even completely stopped the construction of various objects. In 2007, the University of Iceland conducted a survey according to which about 62% of the population admit the possibility of existence of elves.
By the way, the construction of a highway between the cities of Icelandic Gardabaer and Alftanes already tried to block in November this year, but the court rejected the claim. However, the last time a statement was submitted from a much more prosaic plaintiff – the European free trade Association (EFTA).
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