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Ukraine. The visa regime with Russia


Ukraine in the coming days plans to introduce visa regime with the Russian Federation.

On Wednesday, March 19, said Andriy Parubiy, Secretary of national security Council and defense of Ukraine.

«the Ministry of foreign Affairs was instructed to introduce a visa regime with Russia», — he said at a briefing following the meeting of the NSDC Parubiy.

It is also reported that in the coming hours, the mechanism of the visa regime will be finalized and approved, and in the next few days it will be launched.

But the Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk does not share the opinion of Andriy Parubiy urges not to hurry with the initiative in this matter.

From the point of view Yatsenyuk, such measures to counter the aggressive policy of the Kremlin against the Crimea will be ineffective, since Russia has repeatedly raised the issue of the introduction of the visa regime among the CIS countries. The Prime Minister also reminded that many Ukrainians have relatives in Russia, and, in addition, many Ukrainian citizens work in Russia.

First and foremost, the implications of this decision will hit ordinary Ukrainians, said Arseniy Yatsenyuk.

According to official statistics of the Federal migration service of the Russian Federation on the territory of Russia drives about 3-3.3 million Ukrainian citizens, of which about 2.9 million – migrant workers.

Whether in Ukraine introduced a visa regime with Russia, and when the mechanism of entry of Russian citizens on the territory of Ukraine by foreign passports will be launched, not yet reported.

We will remind, earlier Tikets Online reported that Russia introduces new rules for border crossing and enter the territory of the Russian Federation for foreign citizens.

Category: Tours
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Date of publication: 20.03.2014

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