Taxi drivers in China will be obliged to follow the rules

Power popular tourist city of China, Sanya, conducted inspections of local taxi services, and now the work of local drivers will be taken under strict control, as you have previously received complaints of taxi drivers of the company's Summer Mall confirmed.
For quite a long time and the locals and foreign tourists who come on holiday in South Sanya, faced with the persistent failure of local taxi drivers to travel short distances. Taxi drivers are only interested in long trips, for which you can get great pay, so for small orders they don't even want to take on.
In connection with the frequent complaints of local drivers Summer Mall Department of transport of Sanya held a series of tests, and they confirmed that there was such arbitrariness of local carriers, which, incidentally, is considered a very serious violation — taxi drivers, local laws have no right to refuse the carriage.
Now every taxi driver in Sanya, which will be denied to a passenger making the trip, will be included in a special blacklist. In addition, for refusing carriage of a passenger, the taxi driver will be fined 10 points and when you accumulate 20 points from his personnel rating it will be removed from service with the prohibition to work in taxi service for 5 years.
Also for taxi passengers Sanya will open a hot line on which local residents and guests of the city will be able to complain about poor service or failure to transport on urban route.
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