Beach party in Argentina

January 11, 2014 in belém, Argentina, will be held Beach night is one of the most popular entertainment events in the country.
Noche de Playa, which is organized in Belen, is on the sandy beach of the river.
The peculiarity of this party is that there are only a few such events are not held on marine and river or lake shores, and Noche de Playa-one of them.
To Noche de Playa region attracts thousands of tourists and local residents to listen to good music, relax and dance.
Tickets for Noche de Playa will be released in the form of electronic cards with information about the buyer. To buy tickets for the beach party in Belen available at the tourist offices of the city (ticket price about 13$) or other tourist offices of Argentina (about $15).
The price of tickets will be unchanged until 14 Dec 2014 or until the sale of the first 4,000 tickets for Beach night.
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