New Museum of architecture in Barcelona

In the spring of 2016 in Barcelona, the capital of the Autonomous region of Catalonia, will open a big Museum of architecture of Catalonia — Museo de la Arquitectura de Catalunya.
This new scientific and tourist project will be devoted exclusively to the works of Catalan architects, and will cover all periods and styles of architecture of the region.
Visitors to this unique Museum can get acquainted with the creations of ancient architects who created their stone masterpieces in the days of the Roman Empire, the medieval architecture of Catalonia, Antonio Gaudi's masterpieces, executed in modern style, and many other unique buildings, creating a unique image of this Spanish region.
In the Museum of architecture Museo de la Arquitectura de Catalunya will be located in the layouts of many buildings in the region and will be presented in different languages interesting information about the existing buildings, the history of architecture of Catalonia. Also, there will be implemented a number of interesting interactive projects to support yet unrealized architectural solutions Barcelona.
In addition, this Museum complex will be presented detailed models, detailed plans and maps of all the most famous architectural landmarks of Barcelona, including the Colegio, and Generalitat Fundaci&mónica;n Mies van der Rohe
According to the organizers, the exhibition area of the new Museum of Catalonia is located on the “Museum mile" Barcelona — Esplanada de los Museos de Montju&naïve;c.
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