Contest! Prize: a vacation in Norway!

Norway took over travel contests around the Bahamas and announced its own competition for tourists – Window in winter Norway.
Competition program takes place in three different directions: photo, video, and text.
The main prize of the contest Window in winter Norway — a free ticket on a Norwegian ski resort, and honeymoon as a gift will be given to the winners of each of the three nominations!
To participate in the competition, you need to follow a few simple conditions:
To be an active user of the Internet: to blog or have their own page in one of social networks (Livejournal, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Vkontakte).
- To be found in their family archives a photograph or video associated with a winter holiday in Norway, or write the rules of the competition, the text about holidays in the ski resorts of the country.
- Post it on your page in the social network, the resulting competitive work, putting the mandatory hashtag #blognorway.
All! After that your work will be posted on the official project website and will automatically participate in the competition «the Window in winter Norway».
The winners of each of the three categories will receive a free ticket to one of the best winter resorts in Norway, the other participants will be awarded a variety of prizes.
Contest Window in winter Norway from 15 September to 30 November 2014.
All news of this category