Changes in the rules of visiting Georgia

In Georgia from 1 September 2014 comes into force a law envisaging changes in the migration policy of Georgia.
Now the foreigners, including citizens of Ukraine can stay in the country without a visa not exceeding 90 days in six months. For those who have a temporary residence permit in Georgia for refugee status or a residence permit, these restrictions do not apply.
The citizens of Ukraine who plan to be in Georgia over the permitted 180-day period of time, call in advance for an immigrant visa of type D.
The press service of the Embassy reports that the new rules of entry will come into force only for those citizens of Ukraine who move to Georgia after September 1, 2014. For those who live in the country at the current time, the new law does not apply. If foreign nationals will leave the country before this date, and will come again after the 1st of September, they will fall under the new Law “On the legal status of foreigners and persons without citizenship" and will be obliged or to leave the country after the allotted time, or to issue the required visa.
Embassy of Ukraine in Georgia also recommends citizens of Ukraine who now reside in the territory of Georgia and further intend to stay more than 90 days out of 180 in the country, apply for a permit for temporary or permanent residence. Before September 1, 2014, these permits will be issued under the old rules, but after the entry into force of the migration act to obtain them you will need an immigrant visa.
Types of visas-type D Georgia:
- Type D1 is required for citizens of Ukraine traveling to Georgia for work and media representatives.
- Type D2 is made for those who are engaged in entrepreneurial activity on the territory of this country.
- Type D3 need to issue to individuals arriving in Georgia to study at authorised educational institutions.
- Type D4 is opened for those foreign nationals who come to Georgia for family reunification.
How to get an immigrant visa Georgia:
For immigration visa of type D citizen of Ukraine should apply to the Georgian Embassy visa application and supporting documents (the list says the foreign Ministry of Georgia).
The term of consideration of visa applications: 1 month.
The cost of registration: $50.
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