The Spanish Magic island will expand

Theme Park Magic Island located in Sevilla, Spain, plans to expand.
As the organizers, in June 2014, will be installed and put into operation the new complex of water attractions.
The new Waterpark will cover an area of about 15 thousand square meters, and its cost, according to preliminary estimates, will amount to €5 million.
The capacity of the new water Park will be about 2,500 people per day.
The French company Looping Group, which is a new shareholder of the entertainment complex, the Isla Mágica, and owns 82% stake in Seville amusement Park, has announced its willingness to contribute funds necessary for the implementation of the new project.
On the development of a new Park complex Magic Island is a Studio Estudio de Arquitectura T10, and now the preparatory work has already moved into the final stage.
As the Director Magic Island Guillermo lives, the water Park will be a key point "areas of entertainment” of Seville, and will create excellent conditions for family beach holidays in the region remote from the sea. Tourists will definitely enjoy the scenic pond with artificially generated waves, different types of swimming pools and water slides, and amusement Park become more popular, says Guillermo lives.
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