Gastrofestival in Madrid

To try Spanish dishes and learn to cook according to old recipes: in Madrid, the Gastrofestival will be held.
Fans of Spanish cuisine will find a nice event: from 24 January to 9 February 2014 in the capital of Spain will be held the fifth festival of gastronomy Gastrofestival.
In 2014, the program Gastrofestival will be presented about 300 different events, competitions and entertainment programs.
During these events, Madrid becomes the world capital of gastronomy: more than 350 restaurants and different companies will demonstrate the wide audience their culinary masterpieces.
All guests of the festival a special menu in the Madrid restaurants, while all meals will be entitled to special prices. During Gastrofestival, you can also take part in various master classes, which will be held by famous chefs, the culinary theme events and visit exhibitions.
Especially interesting for fans of different Goodies will be special workshops devoted to ancient Spanish recipes. To learn how to cook the world-famous Spanish dishes according to recipes of the 19th century and, of course, to try the results of their work, during Gastrofestival everyone.
Festival Gastrofestival 2014 will consist of eight parts: and laquo;Health, gastronomy, rdquo; and ldquo;the Sensual experiences & raquo;, & laquo;Culture in gastronomy & raquo;, & laquo;Gastronomy Madrid & raquo;, & laquo;Fashion in gastronomy & raquo;, & laquo;Line of sweets» and & laquo;Route Colombian coffee and rdquo;.
In each thematic block the audience waiting for their surprises and interesting moments. For example, in the program & laquo;Madrid Gastronomy” will be included in culinary tourist attraction DegustaTapas. This event will give its participants a visit to Madrid several popular restaurants and a festive dinner Price con Las estrellas, in which their culinary masterpieces will be presented by the chef of international class.
Time of the festival Gastrofestival 2014: from 24 Jan 2014 to 9 Feb 2014
Venue of the festival Gastrofestival 2014: in Madrid, Spain.
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