Extreme Alpine attraction

The French Alps have prepared for tourists an unusual attraction that will definitely appeal to those who simply can not live without the adrenaline.
Fans of extreme entertainment during the ski season of 2013-2014 will be able to go to the South-East of France, to tickle your nerves on the new ride «Step into the void».
The project «Step into the void» was inspired by the popular attraction of the Grand Canyon «Skywalk» of the observation deck which towers over the valley to 1220 meters.
French extreme attraction has been building for three years and opened to the public recently – 17 December 2013, so in the near future is not expected to experience especially large influx of tourists, because the local resorts are very popular and many vacationers simply cannot pass up such an unusual entertainment.
Step Into The Void – this is a glass viewing platform located in the mountain range of Mont Blanc at an altitude of 4,000 meters above the sea level. The height of the steep slope of the Aiguille du MIDI, where the viewing cabin is 1035 meters, so picturesque panoramic views of the rocky mountains, is mesmerizing for its unreal beauty.
Observation deck is a cube made of three-layer tempered glass. The thickness of each glass sheet is 12 mm, so the cabin can easily withstand the most extreme temperatures and gusts of wind of any strength, and the maximum total weight of passengers – 1.5 tons.
The organizers of the attraction has taken all the precautions that tourists standing on this observation deck was always in complete safety.
It's fun sure you will enjoy, if you are afraid of heights, and even if the rocky gorges under the feet causes in your soul the warm feelings, you too will be able to appreciate the beauty spread around, because nowhere else will you find such amazing views of the shining Alps.
By the way, this spectacle will be even useful for people with fear of heights because one of the most reliable ways to overcome such phobia-to meet your fear face to face and experience the majestic beauty of the mountain scenery that surrounds.
When you allow yourself to feel the excitement spreading around you, the fear of heights will leave you forever. To buy a ticket to the observation deck «Step into the void» for €55.
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