Cheap Egypt? It's real!

Want to rest in Egypt cheap, bright and interesting? Spend your holiday in Aswan — an ancient Egyptian city; one of the most amazing and beautiful thing on the planet.
Those tourists who during his travels in Egypt want to see as many attractions remain satisfied with the Aswan because the territory of the city and surrounding areas are full of diverse architectural, historical and religious monuments.
In addition, ancient temples, Egyptian tombs, mausoleums and monasteries sit side by side with the very modern attractions such as the local Botanical gardens and the Nubian Museum.
Today we'll show you all the most interesting about this Egyptian city: what to see and where should definitely visit during your winter vacation.
in the second part of our article we will tell you about which hotel is better to stay in Aswan, and will suggest the 7 best hotels for families with children in the price range of 3* to 5*.
This is interesting: What to bring from Egypt?
Weather in Aswan
Aswan — not only one of the most beautiful but also one of the hottest cities on earth: for the year falls here only about 1.4 millimeters of rain — which is approximately the amount of moisture gives familiar to the people of Ukraine the climate of weak drizzle lasting about an hour. In addition, rain may not be here for many months in a row.
Weather in Aswan, as we have said, very hot, so many tourists prefer to go on a tour of Aswan in the winter or spring when the day temperature does not exceed +25… +30°C, and at night range from +10 ... +20°C. Agree, compared to summer +40… +50°C during daytime and +20… +30°C night of the winter climate of Aswan is really much softer and nicer for Ukrainian tourists.
things to see in Aswan?
a Little South of Aswan, commence the rapids of the Nile, thanks to whom this historic city is considered one of the most beautiful and picturesque places in Egypt. Another attraction in Aswan, but contemporary and handmade — this is the famous Aswan dam.
List of the best sights of Aswan
1. The temple of Abu Simbel (the Resurrected Church)
Want to see with my own eyes one of the most famous “business cards” of Egypt — the famous temples in the rock, the entrance to which is guarded by stone colossi? Located the temples of Abu Simbel near Aswan, 280 kilometers from the city. Two temple complex dedicated to Pharaoh Ramesses II and his first wife, Queen Nefertari, Meremoth, was moved here in the 60-ies of the last century — after construction of the dam on the Nile ancient religious complex was threatened with demolition due to the rising water level. All bas-reliefs, statues and frescoes have been completely saved when you move ancient buildings.
2. Floral Kitchener's island (Island of Plants)
Only 15 minutes sailing from the coast of Aswan on a small light boat and you will find yourself on the amazingly green island of elephantine, on which there is a magnificent Botanical garden.
Another bright and interesting attraction in Aswan-Kitchener's island, which is also known as the Island of Plants. It is a true oasis of Egypt: on the tiny island features a beautiful garden of exotic plants, which grows more than 400 different species of subtropical flora. In addition, the Kitchener's island there are more than 100 types of palm trees — is the largest collection of palms in the world.
3. Aswan nilometer
Unique design for determining the level of water in the Nile, as well as to predict expected yields and, respectively, tax fees for the population, Aswan nilometer, today is one of the most popular attractions of Egypt. Located on the island of elephantine, just South of the Aswan Museum.
Special narrow corridor of stone slabs, which are deposited on the scale to measure the level of water started from the Wharf, and led to one of the temples on the coast (now the temple complex here was only a Foundation). Within the corridor of the nilometer is a stone staircase.
the Second Egyptian nilometer travelers can also see in Cairo.
4. Unfinished obelisk
Giant obelisk in the Aswan quarries, the length of which was supposed to be 42 meters, was unfinished because the stone appeared in cracks. The monolithic obelisk of pink granite, weighing 1,100 tons lies in the Northern quarry of Aswan for more than 3000 years — if it were completed, would be the most severe man-made monument in the world.
Want to see this incredible ancient obelisk? Be sure to include the Northern quarries of Aswan to a map of the tourist route through Egypt!
5. The Nubian Museum
In the exhibition halls of the Nubian Museum in Aswan houses more than 3000 exhibits five thematic areas: prehistoric, ancient Egyptian, Nubian, ancient, and Roman, Coptic and Islamic. Here you will see the ancient sarcophagi of the rulers of Egypt, crown Royal dynasties, personal belongings Nubian rulers, jewels, jewelry and more.
6. Park at the Nubian Museum
the Complex of the Nubian Museum surrounded by a beautiful Park, through which flows an artificial river with small waterfalls and artificial rapids. Here is a small summer theatre, is the scene in which you use a small island in this man-made river. The Park is located near the centre of Aswan, so you can get to it on foot or using horse-drawn vehicles.
7. The temple of Kom Ombo (the Temple of crocodile)
the Temple of Kom Ombo is a unique double temple complex in Egypt, dedicated to ancient Egyptian gods: crocodilopolis Sebek and nikolopoulou Mountain. In the front part of the temple complex there is a small sanctuary dedicated to the goddess Hathor, the wife of Sobek, where are mummies of crocodiles.
8. The temple of Philae
the Small island of Philae the ancient Egyptians was considered a sacred place — here, according to legend, was buried Osiris, king of the underworld and the God of rebirth in Egyptian mythology. On the island was a large temple complex dedicated to ISIS, and the small town in which lived the local priests.
After construction of the Aswan dam, the island was flooded and the ancient buildings began to crumble, so the Harm of Philae was dismantled and moved to the island of Agilika. Part of the ancient architectural complex, the city of priests, and the alleged tomb of Osiris at Philae, unfortunately, were lost forever under the waters of the Nile.
9. The tombs of the nobles in Aswan
Near Aswan, the hills, within which is hidden around 400 ancient tombs, carved in the rock.
the Burial belonged to the representatives of the local nobility, so their main jewelry — well detailed murals depicting the life, political and military achievements of those who were buried here thousands of years ago. One of these graves-tomb Nahta on the wall of which is coated with the famous mural of a blind musician and dancing girls, playing the harp, lute and flute.
to get to the tombs, you can use public ferry or sailing boat, a felucca.
10. Sculpture Park in Aswan
Near to Basma hotel 5* Aswan is an unusual sculpture Park. Under the open sky installed here avant-garde sculpture, abstraction, depicting figures of people, birds and animals, as well as ethnic African statue. To get to the sculpture garden in Aswan, you can take a local taxi ($3) or walk (about 30 minutes walk unhurried pace).
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