What to bring from Egypt?

If you are going to spend your vacation in Egypt, before you travel, be sure to consider what Souvenirs you plan to bring from the country of the pharaohs in Ukraine.
If you know in advance where and what you are planning to buy to commemorate your trip, you can easily plan your free time. Also, tourists are important to remember about export regulations bought in Egypt products – agree, misunderstandings at customs due to some change in the style of a lost receipt or incorrect receipt is able to dampen the good mood of even the most optimistic of tourists.
Continuing the theme of ideas for gifts from different countries service Online Tikets have prepared for you 10 great options theme Souvenirs that you can buy in Egypt and then freely move across the border.
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1. Papyrus
Egyptian papyrus today is made mainly as Souvenirs, but, despite a fairly decorative function, it remains in strict accordance with ancient recipes.
Buy papyrus for souvenir can be almost any souvenir shop or a bench in Egypt. Typically, the sheets of papyrus are sold with a printed image – traditional Egyptian hieroglyphs, symbols and drawings. Because usually each image has a meaning, and often mystical or religious, before purchase be sure to ask the seller that is chosen papyrus, especially if you are superstitious.
Should look like real papyrus sheets should not crack and break at the folds, they do not crumple and do not crumble, in addition, this papyrus has no odor. If you offered a leaf of Egyptian papyrus has such unusual properties, it is likely just a fake made of palm leaves and rice.
Where to buy papyrus in Egypt: If you want to bring as a souvenir, not a cheap fake, and a real sheet of papyrus, be sure to check out specialized workshops – here you will not only be able to make a purchase, but also watch the process of making this famous writing paper live. Also you can make a purchase in the big stores-they only sell original products and always give the buyer a certificate confirming the authenticity of the papyrus.
How much is a papyrus in Egypt: Cheap papyri (real, not fake) do not happen in nature. Look at the prices from $3 for a sheet with an image about 8х12см and above. If you want to buy and sell larger souvenir from Egypt, pay attention to the large canvases of papyrus. They are usually applied to large complex patterns and sold in a frame under glass as picture. But the price of these Souvenirs suitable – from one hundred American dollars and above.
2. Egyptian hookah
To buy as a souvenir of an Egyptian hookah, or as it is called, "shishu", would be a great idea: quite colorful, functional and attractive, it will be a good choice as gift to friends and for personal use.
Where to buy Egyptian hookah Traditional hookah sold here almost everywhere. The only thing that is necessary to pay attention before buying – the tightness of the bulb, so before buying ask the seller to demonstrate it in action.
How much for the hookah in Egypt: Price hookahs and supplies for them in Egypt are much lower than in Ukraine. Usually the price of the hookah varies from $20 to $200 depending on size, quality and materials of manufacture. Package of hookah tobacco you can buy in the area $1 per pack. Please note that the safety rules it is prohibited to carry a hookah coal on Board, so it will have to buy on the territory of Ukraine.
3. Scarab
The scarab in Egypt, as five thousand years ago, is considered a protective talisman, a talisman that brings its owner good luck and harmony. For this reason, the figures of Egyptian scarabs among tourists are the most popular souvenir.
Buying a scarab as a souvenir, be sure to pay attention to his legs – the scarab with legs is considered to be a lucky charm, and if the bug is flat, without them, it is a funerary symbol.
How much is the scarab in Egypt: Crafts, Souvenirs and jewelry with scarabs usually cost in Egypt from $10 and above. Egyptian gold is usually fairly low quality, so its products are inexpensive, so you can walk around the jewelry shops and stalls to choose some unusual gold jewelry scarab.
4. Figurines
Alabaster Egyptian statues look very nice. These figures look carved from white stone, but because the alabaster transmits light well, they begin to Shine through them if you Shine the flashlight. By the way, so you can quickly test this is alabaster, or fake. It is best to buy Handicrafts made of alabaster located in alabaster factory Luxor.
Instead of stone statues in Egypt tourists often offer a knockoff of painted plaster, so it pays to carefully inspect a product before purchase. Gently claw the surface of the figures with a fingernail to check that whether the sculpture is covered with paint or not. If you offer to buy as a souvenir metal figurine, you can try it pomahnitale (if you have something magnetized). Some tourists suggest “accidentally” dropped to a supposedly metal object on the floor, but, you see – it is a pretty extreme way to test a future purchase.
Traditional Souvenirs are also considered as figurines of cats-they are beautiful and exotic. If you decide to stay on this gift option, choose the figure of a cat without the snake – the Egyptians believe that the statue protects the house and brings happiness to their owners. The cat is entwined a snake, or sitting on the vessel, is considered as flat scarab, funerary symbol. Also, do not buy in Egypt busts of the pharaohs with a braided beard, figurines, sarcophagi, pyramids, sphinxes and jackals – they also symbolize death and the afterlife.
How much are the figurines in Egypt: from $3 to infinity.
5. Hibiscus tea
Hibiscus, aka “tea of the pharaohs" is not only delicious but also very healthy drink. Is it usually made of dried Sudanese rose petals of hibiscus flowers.
Where to buy hibiscus tea: If you want to please yourself or your loved ones Egyptian karkade tea, go to the old market in Hugard or in the old town of Sharm El-Sheikh. But traditionally, the world's best Roselle is only sold in Aswan.
How much hibiscus in Egypt: prices start from $5-6.
6. Cartouche
Cartouche – an ancient talisman, which, according to the Egyptians, protects its owner from misfortune, evil eye or any evil intent. Early cartouches guarded the ancient pharaohs, but today anyone can acquire its own “Royal” talisman. Go to any jewelry store, and there the wizard will make for you individually authentic Egyptian cartouche, in a special way, causing the characters on a rectangular or oval plate your name. Wear a cartouche on a chain as a locket.
7. Aromatherapy oils
Egyptian aromatic oils are divided into fragrance and therapeutic. Therapeutic aromatic oils from Egypt are very high quality, they are made according to an ancient recipe from high quality raw materials. But the perfume oil should only be used for baths, scenting linen and facilities – they are usually divorced and with different additives, so the quality of the spirits. Buy quality essential oils in Egypt at the specialized factory in Hugard.
How much are essential oils in Egypt: Prices usually start from $1.5-2 per 1 gram of essential oil.
8. KAF Maryam
Sprigs of dried herbs with a rather unusual name KAF Maryam, which translates from Arabic as “hand of Mary”, will also be very unusual souvenir from the country of the pharaohs. Feature KAF Maryam that such a dry twig, put on a couple of days in the water, starts to come to life and bloom small pale blue flowers. It is also believed that this herb brings good luck in business. The magical properties of dry shoots come to life makes KAF Maryam very popular items among tourists in Egypt, but it is worth considering that these branches require special care and often do not bloom.
How much of KAF Maryam in Egypt: $1-3 for a basket. Sometimes distribute them free or give them for free when buying any other products.
9. Chasing
Very unusual and beautiful look of the Egyptian products with embossing – the artistically decorated with hookahs, dishes, plates and furnishings with Arabic ornaments. Good stores of coinage can be found in Old Hurghada – even if you don't plan to buy a lot of vivid impressions from trips to the colorful local shops, reminiscent of the museums of antiquity, you will be guaranteed.
How much is the product of coinage in Egypt: depending on the material, size and complexity of the coinage prices are subject to change. For example, a small brass plate with the Arab coinage in Egypt, you can buy for $8-10.
10. Hip scarf
Even if you are not fond of Arabic dance, hip scarf from Egypt will be a great souvenir of the journey. Go to any local shop and you will be offered hundreds of hip scarves of all kinds – plain, with motifs embroidered with thread, beads and coins.
How much does hip scarf Egypt: $5-10 and above.
Information on the removal of goods from Egypt:
- If you bought in Egypt, corals, sea shells or sea urchins, be sure to save your receipt, otherwise you will face a fine, deportation and blacklisting for attempting to smuggle images of the local fauna.
- The total value of gold and silver in baggage should not exceed $3000. Again, be Sure to keep all receipts for purchased in Egypt jewelry.
- If you buy something that at least vaguely reminiscent of Antiques, be sure to demand the seller a certificate stating that your purchased item is not an antiquity or national treasure, or at customs, you will face an unpleasant misunderstandings.
- In any case, do not leave when local banknotes – before leaving, be sure to redeem all the remaining Egyptian pounds to another currency. Egyptian law forbids to take out local money.
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