What is forbidden to do abroad?

Before the trip, tourists usually try to provide everything, therefore, usually much attention is paid levies to the road. Many travelers scrutinize weather forecasts for the holiday period, make a list of local sights and attractions events shopping maps, phrasebooks and booklets. But not every tourist thinks about the prohibitions and rules of conduct that apply in the country of arrival.
And you knew perfectly harmless from the point of view of tourists from Ukraine actions or style of clothes abroad can become a cause of fine or imprisonment? And, by the way, for some of the actions the intruder can wait for even the death penalty.
So before you go make sure you read the list of prohibitions for countries that are planning to visit your holiday was not marred by unexpected adventures.
What not to do in different countries. Laws:
- In many EU countries it is forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages on the street – for you're a tangible penalty. The ban can be circumvented by closing the bottle or jar with alcohol package.
- Japan. Completely banned Smoking in public transport establishments at railway stations within a radius of 50km from Central Tokyo. Also Smoking is prohibited in public areas of Ireland, Scotland, the UK, Norway, Spain, Italy and Lithuania.
- China. It is forbidden to save a drowning person – this will interfere with his destiny.
- Italy. To fish here you cannot. To go fishing to the river or lake, you need to purchase a special permit, with the duration and amount of fish caught is strictly regulated. Otherwise you will have to pay a large fine.
- Turkey. In Istanbul it is considered very rude to walk the streets in short shorts.
- UAE. In Dubai is strictly prohibited "unchaste" behavior in public places. For a very modest kiss on the street, and tourists can be fined 570 dollars and sentenced to 6 months imprisonment.
- The UK and France. It is strictly forbidden to kiss on the platforms of train stations. Here you can see the special signs banning kissing.
- Thailand. On the road it is not necessary to remove the shirt, even if the tropical sun was hot especially hard – you will be fined from the first available police officer. While it does not matter exactly where you will notice – driving a two-Wheeler or in the back seat of the car.
In addition, in Thailand, forbidden to touch the head of the local residents, and it is absolutely not important – if you wanted to remove tangled in the hair of the interlocutor a leaf or a Pat on the head cute kid.
Still here very strictly guarded the honor of the Royal family – if anyone put a finger on, or even just indicate by hand on the photo of any of the Royal house, it will be regarded as desecration, and the offender will be punished in accordance with the law. The same applies to local banknotes, as they have a picture of the king. If you even accidentally step on a banknote, it will be considered a very serious insult, which is also provided with a severe punishment.
Also in Thailand, forbidden to leave on the ground chewing gum. If you violate this prohibition, you will find a very unpleasant surprise – a fine of up to $ 600. By the way, in Singapore, not only can't chew gum, but even to bring it into the country.
But the most severe punishment in Thailand for drugs – the death penalty.
- Italy. In Venice you can't feed the pigeons, otherwise you will be fined 1,000 euros.
- Vietnam. For riding a motorcycle without a helmet you will be fined $ 200.
- Russia. In St. Petersburg it is impossible to photograph in the metro – it is considered a military target and for shooting in the subway you will find a small, but fine-about 100 Russian rubles.
- Saudi Arabia. For wearing a pectoral cross here, you can go to jail – it is considered a religious insult.
What not to do in different countries. Customs:
But except prohibited by the law actions in many countries also has specific customs, violating which can really hurt the local residents and even provoke a serious conflict.
For example:
- France. It is not necessary to show anyone here gesture “OK”. It is, of course, will not violate local laws, but will greatly offend your interlocutor.
- Cuba. Never never use in Cuba, the word "papaya". The familiar name here is considered a very obscene curse word, so it's best to use common is the word “motobomba”.
- India. In no case do not put the meat dishes next to the images of Indian gods, even if your hands are full and you decided just for a moment to put the statuette-souvenir on a table in a café – it will be desecration.
- China. It is not necessary to photograph local residents during meal – for this you may very offended, until the battering.
- Thailand. Before you go to the house of a local resident – be sure to remove your shoes, otherwise you will offend a gracious host.
- Japan. After a meal, don't place chopsticks “standing” in the Cup – so put them in funeral rituals.
No Photo
And, of course, there are certain rules of photography. Quite clear sign of No Photo in many countries to designate sites, photo and video which is strictly prohibited.
Ukrainian tourists are often quite skeptical about this warning, the temptation to capture the brightest moments of your journey is often stronger arguments of logic. But in fact such warnings should be treated more carefully, because in some countries, even an accidental violation of the ban on photography might provoke serious trouble.
- In almost all Arab countries it is strictly forbidden to photograph people without their direct consent. Particularly strict this limitation applies to photography of local women-even if Oriental beauty hit the frame by accident, it may cause serious trouble.
- Although Tunisia and Egypt, these things are pretty neutral, you still should be cautious, choosing a place for a good frame, and in Thailand before you uncover your camera, it is necessary to ask permission of those who can get into the frame.
- In China you can even prosecute for video or still images without warning, and in the US for such a seemingly innocuous act against you seriously can press charges for sexual harassment. In Malaysia you can take pictures, but not all – one of the most exciting local attractions – beautiful Buddha statues – it is forbidden to remove.
- By the way, in America it is forbidden to photograph the tunnels, bridges, highways and Railways – these rules are introduced in connection with anti-terrorist programs of the government and adhered to quite strictly.
- All the countries are usually banned shooting of governmental, military facilities, airports and government agencies. So, unfortunately, many historical sites are closed to shooting, because now they are placed in the residence of the heads, are adjacent to modern buildings of state significance, or just the frame can accidentally get something “unnecessary”.
- For example, it is strictly forbidden to photograph the palaces of the sheikhs in the UAE and the Kumsusan Palace in North Korea. If you decide to shoot in a memory of a trip to Tunis, ruins of Carthage, you too will be disappointed – shooting here is also prohibited, because from some angles in photos can be seen nearby presidential Palace.
- But the mausoleum of Ho Chi Minh city in Vietnam to photograph, but very carefully – standing beside him in the guard soldiers can seriously grab the gun, if you start to photograph this building from the end.
- Photographing military in many countries is also prohibited, so if you see a nearby military soldiers on guard, or employees of internal troops, to the camera it is better not to reach.
- And, of course, practically all photography is prohibited inside the temples and mosques. If you decide to purchase a tour, and visits to religious buildings with a guide, you will be a little easier, because in some temples, churches and mosques, shooting is allowed in part and the guide definitely will inform you that you can take pictures and what not.
- In Europe, a very categorical attitude to photography art – in some museums and galleries shooting is allowed, but there usually is a strict taboo on the flash, because the bright light can damage some of the exhibits.
- Many European sights, it would seem that the flash should not influence, it is also forbidden to remove. This applies to statues and fountains in many cities and some historic neighborhoods. By the way, the famous red light district in Amsterdam is also closed for photography, although many tourists can't resist the temptation to make a colorful frame and still manage to make some memorable pictures.
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