Live chess in Italy

The famous chess tournament with living pieces will be held in the town of Marostica, Italy, next weekend — 9, 10 and 11 September 2016, guests will enjoy one of the most colorful festivals Veneto.
Tonight, the actors who will play the role of chess pieces, will begin the dress rehearsal costume parade choreography and placement of the pieces on the giant chessboard, the subsequent rehearsals will be held every day from 5 to 8 September.
To see the work of actors interested will be able to Piazza Castello and the surrounding city streets at 20:30.
Just live a Grand chess tournament will take part more than 600 people — the actors who will play the role of figures, characters and legends of the convoy. It should be noted that the costumes of the participants represent real historical value because they are unique exhibits created for the first festivals of the living chess game in Marostica, whereas the choreography, event design and scenario elements are never repeated.
The tradition to hold a festival of live chessmen in Marostica goes back to the distant 1554, when, according to legend, the local ruler ordered the battle between the two contenders who wished to obtain the hand of his beautiful daughter, not on the battlefield and onto the chess Board. Because to see the historic event with their own eyes wanted all the inhabitants of the city, it was decided to arrange a huge installation size chess with people who played the role of chess pieces, which are repeated all the moves of the rivals, performed on a real Board. Moves that made young men, were announced, the actors daughter of the mayor, who was sitting in the special seats near the players.
The chess battle ended in a Grand double wedding between young opponents and daughters of the ruler, which lasted for many days of celebration and become one of the brightest events in the history of the city. Living chess in Marostica can be seen every two years, the first event was held in 1954.
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