For the flight Kiev - Moscow will be a train Talgo

Daily flights on the route Kiev - Moscow from the end of 2014 to provide compositions of the Spanish Talgo production. The predicted time of the train movement in one direction will be only about 7 hours.
Russian Railways plans to provide two flights in each direction every day: departure from Moscow will occur at 6:30 and 15:50 and arrive in Kyiv the train will be at 12:30 and 21:50 respectively.
Departure time for return flights – 6:30 and 15:50 and arrival in Moscow – 14:30 and 23:50.
This schedule schedule is designed taking into account summer time, when the difference between the Moscow and Kyiv time is one hour.
To reduce the travel time for direct trains on the route Kiev-Moscow it is planned not only due to the greater speed of trains and due to the acceleration of the boundary and customs control. Control on the flight is planned to be implemented directly during the movement of trains: during the journey from Bryansk to the City from the Russian side, and from the Farm Michael to Konotop Ukrainian.
Maximum design speed of the Talgo trains is 200 km/h, but in many ways it will move slower due to the limitations of the railway. The arrival of the first part of the Talgo in Russia is expected in March, followed by testing. Pricing on the new trains for the route Moscow-Kiev has not yet been determined.
The Talgo train has 5 luxury cars with beds (5 double cabin), 2 coaches of 1st class (20 seats) and 9 seats wagons 2nd class for 36 seats each. Two cars will be technical, two – reserved for the dining car and a snack bar. The total capacity of the composition – 414 passengers.
The future plans of Railways – the use of Talgo trains on other lines, including on routes to Western Europe. Because the gauge of the Russian Railways an order of magnitude larger than in Europe, in Brest planned equipment of the transfer device from Russian to European gauge standard. This will contribute to the design of the Talgo trains – they have the ability to change the width of the wheel pairs, during the movement, when the train slowly passes through such a device.
When this feature is implemented, the use of the Talgo trains will save about two hours of time spent now with the change of wheel carriages on international trains. It is expected that the Spanish trains will be spent on these operations is not more than 25-27 minutes.
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