Kamchatka: Igloo hotel for tourists
In Russia opened the first Igloo hotel-extraordinary hotel complex for lovers of extreme tourism, located on the Kamchatka Peninsula, has already welcomed its first guests March 1, 2016.
The hotel «Mountainous» done in the style of a small ethnic village, it includes several built snow huts of varying capacity, outdoor thermal pool with hot water (+40°C), located in the woods, and a dining room which serves hot meals.
The Kamchatka guests of the new hotel will offer double cabins for couples and a spacious Igloo that can accommodate up to eight guests, for large companies.
Lined with snow-block walls decorated with ethnic reliefs, ornaments and pieces of eskimo epos, there are also carved from larch large totems-hentai and three-meter snow sculpture depicting Peliken and Kutkh.
The temperature inside these snow huts never drops below +3°C, even if the weather outside is raging hard frosts. In each of these houses are equipped with special beds for a comfortable sleep even at -30°C, has all the necessary furnished — warm floorings, carpets, fur skins, lockers with shelves, electricity, a bar and a fireplace.
Igloo hotel «Mining area» will be open until may 2016 — since the structure is made entirely of snow, during the spring warming in Kamchatka all «rooms» it will melt.
Vitaly Lazo, project Manager, promised that this autumn the building will be rebuilt under a new, expanded project, and the snow hotel will reopen in the same mode.
The cost of accommodation in a double needle on the Kamchatka Peninsula is 3,000 rubles, in eight — 2000 rubles.
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