How to go from Donetsk and Lugansk?
In connection with the fighting there are difficulties with the exit of residents from the Eastern regions of Ukraine cancelled some trains, bus transportation from Lugansk and Donetsk works only partially.
Upon receipt of the actual accurate information on this page service Online Tikets will publish information on how to travel from Donetsk and Lugansk by bus and train.
Please note that the work of passenger transport in the Eastern regions unstable and the specified timetable may lose its relevance.
How to go from Donetsk:
Intercity buses from Donetsk as of 3 — November 4, 2014 go only in the direction of Lugansk, Zaporozhye, Dnepropetrovsk, Mariupol, Slovyansk, Krasnoarmeisk, Snowy, Thorez, Amvrosiivka, miner, Volnovakha, Ugledar, Gorlovka, Yenakiyevo.
Travel time of these buses is arbitrary, and often an order of magnitude greater than usual, as drivers choose more safe Cycling routes at its discretion.
Departure of buses happens to the Donetsk bus station «South». The bus schedule is focused on the summer.
As of 13 November 2014 from Donetsk bus to Mariupol, Slavyansk, and Krasnoarmiysk, Snizhne, Torez, the Amvrosiyivka, miner, Volnovaha, Ugledar, Yasinovataya, Yenakiyevo and Gorlovka. There are certain difficulties with the transport message between Donetsk, Krasnogorovka and Marinka.
Also buses, you can travel from Donetsk to Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye and Lugansk.
Please note: where does the bus go from Donetsk in February 2015.
What are the buses from Donetsk don't go:
Temporarily stopped the buses from Donetsk, Marinka, Avdeevka, Krasnogorovka.
How to go from Lugansk:
Reliable information on existing buses from the city, unfortunately, not now. It is reported that as of November 4, 2014, from Lugansk buses from Luhansk to Severodonetsk, Starobilsk, Novoaidar – passenger transport in these areas is not allowed to leave the city.
According to timetables of Railways, travel by train from city to Kiev, Dnepropetrovsk and Odessa (long distance train No. 520 / 519 and No. 592 / 591). Also go train in the direction of Manuilovka, Rodakove, Kommunarsk, Santanavi. Train from Lugansk to Izvarino (No. 6409 / 6410).
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