Women pilots: why so few?

British Airways has conducted a real investigation to find out why there are so few women pilots, and why only a few ladies dream about the career of the captain of the aircraft.
For this unusual study British Airways has pushed that at the moment of this carrier, even with the active advertising campaigns aimed at attracting members of the crew of women, of the 4,000 pilots who work for passenger flights, only 200 of the captains are female.
In the survey, which was conducted by the air carrier, was attended by 2,000 women who answered the question, did they ever learn a profession, and if so, why did you give up your dream.
As shown by the results of the study, among women there is a widespread belief that the pilot — this is a purely male profession. An important role in shaping that public opinion was also played by the fact that the objects of imitation in culture and cinema with the fairer sex do not exist as such.
About two years ago, the airline has announced some changes in the course of its personnel policies and launched a dedicated experimental program designed for the training of women pilots.
As explained by the Director of flight operations BA Stephen Riley, this program is specially designed to give the opportunity to realize themselves and build a career, regardless of the sex of the pilot, provided that he has the necessary for this profession skills and talents.
The results of the social survey British Airways
- 63% of women surveyed admitted that dreams to become a pilot dissuaded their parents in childhood
- 20% of the respondents life was firmly convinced that the woman on Board the aircraft may perform duties only flight attendants
- 20% had no object to follow either in cinema or in real life
- 13% never even flew the planes, the captains of which were female
- 10% of society were led to believe that the pilot of the aircraft can only be men
However, statistics show that the public is, unfortunately, pretty biased refers to the fact that the plane can manage a female pilot. For example, in 2014, one of the passengers of the flight, which was operated by a female captain, gave the pilot after a flight note with insults.
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