Russia: a ban of baby food on Board

In connection with the preparations for the Olympic games 2014 in Sochi in the Russian airports ban liquids on Board.
Officially the introduction of this ban has already confirmed on their websites airports Vnukovo and Sheremetyevo. It is reported that such measures were taken in accordance with order of the Federal air transport Agency.
As representatives of the Sheremetyevo, prohibited to carry in hand Luggage of any liquids, including medicines, personal care products, paints, aerosols and gels. Vnukovo airport also warned their passengers about the introduction of similar requirements – to March 21, 2014 on Board the aircraft is prohibited to carry any types of liquids, medicines and even baby food.
Medications on Board the plane during this period may be allowed only if the passenger will be able to provide a certificate from the attending physician, which will indicate that the mandatory use of these drugs coincides with the time of flight, and to postpone or to defer.
Some Russian airports such as Domodedovo and Pulkovo still do not report any changes in the rules for hand baggage on Board their aircraft.
Recall that in the old rules on hand baggage on Board passenger aircraft, it is reported that each passenger is allowed to take a flight to 100 milliliters of liquid in Packed all the rules of packaging, with the carriage of medicines and baby food prohibitions did not apply.
Now the screening of passengers under this regulation, the Federal air transport Agency is carried out by the interior Ministry and the aviation security service.
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