Additional trains to Novoalekseevka
Ukrzaliznytsia has appointed two additional trains from Novoalekseevka — in Kiev and Zaporozhye. Flights will run from mid-July until early September 2016.
Additional train Zaporizhia-Novooleksiyivka — Zaporozhye (No. 201 /202) will go from 16 July to 6 September. Schedule calls for departure from Zaporozhye at the even number (departure time 19:50, arrival — 23:14), and from Novoalekseevka in odd (departure at 11:32, arrival at 14:52). The route of the train № 201 / 202 provides a stop at the station Tavrijsk, pryshyb, Fertile, Melitopol. The structure will include compartment and second-class carriages.
Additional train Novooleksiyivka-Kiev — Novooleksiivka (No. 204) will carry out passenger transportation on odd numbers in both directions. The schedule provides for additional trains running during the period from July 17 to September 5, 2016 departs at 00:43 from Novoalekseevka (arrival at 16:45) and at 19:55 from Kiev (arriving 10:18). The train will make stops at stations Guerrillas, Melitopol, Zaporozhye, Ukraine, Sinelnikovo, Dnepropetrovsk, Dneprodzerzhinsk, Kiev, Alexandria, Znamenka, Fundukleevska, the heater and article to them. T. Shevchenko.
Ukrzaliznytsia also claimed one additional train, No. 52 (Kiev — Zaporozhye — Kiev). From the capital, flights will depart at 23:44 on the even numbers from 20 to 30 July, and on the odd — from 1 to 31 August, the arrival time of a train in the Kiev — 09:14. From Zaporozhye to Kiev flights will depart on odd days in the period from 21 to 31 July, and even date — 2 through August 30. Also, one more flight will be done the 1st of September. The departure time of the flight from Zaporozhye train station — 21:57, arrival at the station Kiev-Passenger — 07:19. Stopover will be made at the stations named. Shevchenko, Znamenka, Alexandria, Dneprodzerzhinsk, Dnepropetrovsk, Synel'nykove.
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