Aerophobia: how to get rid of fear of flying

Today the trip can be taken at any time of the year. So everyone is trying to use every opportunity to visit various parts of the world, enjoy the beauty of nature, meet new culture and traditions. However, there are people for whom the upcoming flights – it is not pleasure, real torture, and travel cause they are not enthusiastic feelings.
Aerophobia-fear of flying insurmountable – one of the most common human fears. This phobia affects about 20% of the population. As a rule, aerophobia – this is a consequence of a disorder that often manifests itself after severe stress or depression.
According to the experts, phobias exposed to impressionable people, those who are keenly fixed on the negative moments in life and those who suffer from claustrophobia. On susceptible people are very affected by the overly broad media coverage of aircraft accidents, although in reality the number of victims in road accidents the percentage is much greater.
Those who feel fear of flying, triggered by the occasions of real danger, psychiatrists are advised to use only checked airlines. And people who have unnatural reactions to the events, is to seek help from professionals, so as to overcome aerophobia such people is almost impossible.
How to deal with aerophobia?
People with aerophobia in flight can experience anxiety, increased heart rate, rapid and uneven breathing, their haunting obsessive thoughts of possible accidents that can result in serious neuroses.
Now there are many different methods by which obsessive fears can be quickly overcome. In the treatment of aerophobia successfully applied the methodology of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), hypnotic and drug therapy. The duration of treatment in each case will be individual.
There are instances when the patient was cured after the first session of hypnosis or NLP. But the choice of the methodology and medications of the individual, and the best option of treatment may find a psychiatrist.
In the treatment of aerophobia important – addressing the root causes. First you need to find out what causes human fear – confined space, height, or flight-related psychological trauma, which people can no longer remember.
However, if you want to go sailing, but the course learning the skills of control own mental and physical state and relaxation failed to pass, in this case, it can help simple guidelines.
How to overcome aerophobia — advice
When the plane rises in the air, you should not start to count the remaining hours before landing – you need to relax, because the flight has already begun and it is unlikely that the passenger with aerophobia will be able to change something. So you need to close your eyes, sit comfortably in a chair and to calm your breath. Feet during the flight it is better to put on the floor to feel for them a reliable support. If you are into high heels, it is better to remove them. It is also possible to get rid of too tight clothes and constricting accessories.
Psychiatrists strongly advise passengers with aerophobia try to distract myself by talking with a neighbor on the plane – your communication will quickly slide to the subject of aircraft accidents, potential damage to the planes and fear of flying. Try to disperse the attention, at least, with pain syndrome – press down with your fingernail fingertip, pinch your earlobe or bite your lip. This, of course, may sound a bit strange, but the most surprising that such simple methods do help to distract from the disturbing thoughts.
Another good way – to shift the focus on reading interesting books, favorite music or a thrilling movie. It is possible to consult with your doctor and to take the tranquilizing drug. But try to calm down with alcohol doctors call a very bad idea – the action of alcohol is not only short, but unpredictable. The passenger tipsy phobias can only worsen.
If during the flight you have ears (this happens because of the changes in pressure during takeoffs and landings), try to suck on the Lollipop, widely to yawn or just hard to open your mouth – it normalizes blood pressure between the throat and the middle ear canal. Also, when "the syndrome of traveler" effective acupressure hand.
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