VIP service for passengers of Ryanair Business Plus

Irish airline Ryanair from February 2015 introduces a special system of rapid passenger service in several cities of Europe.
This innovation will be available to business customers — the holders of Business tickets Plus airline Ryanair. According to the airline, the new service will provide for expedited procedures to check-in Fast Track.
Today, this VIP service is available for passengers holding tickets Business Plus, airports Stansted, Manchester and Dublin, and from February 2, 2015 access the new service of the carrier will be provided to passengers in Gatwick airport.
In addition, on March 2, 2015 this VIP service from Ryanair will be provided at the airport «Rome-Ciampino”, Italy, and from April 1 — at the airport of Eindhoven, the Netherlands. Also airline Ryanair promised in the coming months to continue expanding the list of airports in the world, in which clients are travelling business-class, affordable service Fast Track.
Recall, tickets Business Plus was introduced by Ryanair in 2014. The owners of these tickets can enjoy some additional services from the carrier, including a more flexible replacement of the flight and the airport of the destination country. For example, passengers can change the arrival city for the already purchased ticket without penalty and extra payments for only 40 minutes before departure.
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