S7 Airlines reduces flights to Saint Petersburg

S7 Airlines announces the reduction in the flight program on the route Moscow-Saint-Petersburg from 12 to 9 flights per day.
Earlier, in the spring, the airline Siberia (S7 Airlines) issued a decision on the massive increase frequency of flights to Saint Petersburg from Moscow — then the number of daily flights increased from 7 to 12 flights. According to the airline, in the spring of 2017, the number of flights will again be equal to 12.
Reducing the number of flights of S7 Airlines from Moscow to St. Petersburg will be held within the next two weeks during this time from the flight schedule will disappear one morning, evening and night flight.
It should be noted that the decision from the Siberia more than kompensiruet to increase the frequency of flights on the route to other airlines: Aeroflot increases the number of flights in the winter from 17 to 20 every day, Russian — from 6 to 13, UTair — from 4 to 6, also added two daily flights and airline “VIM”.
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