Cheap flights from Take Air

How to fly cheap? The answer to this question tourists who are planning in 2015 to travel a lot in Europe, can give the Belgian airline is Take Air, which next year plans to launch a flat rate for air travel for its passengers.
The loyalty program will be available for club members to Take Air. Also, passengers will be able to use a special mobile app of the airline, which will very quickly make bookings and edit or cancel their orders.
The size of the fixed payment for unlimited number of flights will amount to €1650 per month — for that amount, passengers will be able within 30 days to use any flights of the air carrier as often as required. The average travel time for these routes will be about one and a half hours, which will connect the key cities of Europe as convenient as possible for passengers route network.
Program participants will also be available for booking plane tickets 30 minutes before departure and flight check-in 15 minutes. The cost of unlimited aviaparada already included the use of the VIP Lounges, food, drinks and Wi-Fi.
Unlimited Take Air flights for €1650 will begin to perform a private aircraft from March 2015. It is expected that their total number will be around 150 routes. Execution of flights under this program will begin with flights between Paris, London, Antwerp and Zurich. New air routes will be added every six months.
The route map will increase due to the new destinations that the airline plans to add on demand, when you receive requests and suggestions from their passengers. Wishes for new flights will be accepted via e-mail and official page Take the Air on social networks.
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