Free tickets from Aeroflot

Free tickets on any flight for two – such prize offers its passengers the Aeroflot company for participation in the survey about quality of service on flights of the air carrier.
Certificate for two tickets will be drawn after the end of a poll, during which air travelers will be able to Express their opinion on the quality of service and present at airports and on Board Aeroflot aircraft services.
Prize tickets flights economy class who will compete among the correctly completed questionnaires regular airline passengers will be completely free, but received them, the passenger will have to pay all taxes and fees alone, including 13% tax on the base fare under the current tax code.
Results of raffle of tickets of Aeroflot will be published on the website of the airline in March 2014. The winner will be determined randomly, arbitrarily selecting one of the participants completed the questionnaires. The draw will be carried out personally by the Director of the Department of quality control of the product of the company Aeroflot.
The survey Aeroflot is intended for those passengers who make frequent flights, so the system in the early stages of the survey to filter out participants who did not fly the flights last year, and those who have made a flight only once.
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