Freedom of choice
Freedom of choice

Anti-fraud check payments

Detection and elimination of fraudulent transactions — one of the key objectives of all international payment systems. The safety of online payment transactions are tracked by multiple systems at different levels and stages of payment.

International payment systems Visa and MasterCard are the largest financial organizations, coordinating payment flows in the world. They develop and implement technology, establish and recommend the card security standards, continuously supplementing them.

Anti-fraud system (from the English. “fraud” — fraud) of different acquiring banks, due to integrated control and data exchange with other banks, exposing hundreds of criminal, fraudulent groups operating in different countries and carrying out crimes with use of payment cards. Monitoring and anti-fraud control is performed in automatic and manual modes.

The website interested in providing the highest quality services to service your travel, but it can not influence the decisions of the payment systems. In accordance with the policy of the fight against fraud, we carry out all necessary requirements to combat fraud. Like any other organization working with the pay, especially in the e-commerce sector, our service is trying to reduce risks and provide control of the movement of the received funds, the earliest possible detection of signs of fraud and operational response to any suspicious cases.

Typical reasons why a transaction may be identified by anti-fraud filters as suspect:

As various anti-fraud systems respond to suspicious cases:

Documentary evidence of card ownership

The user whose card caused suspicion when a payment is attempted, you may receive an email as follows:

Our automated system identification of fraud (anti-fraud control), which identified a high risk of this transaction. Unfortunately, we are unable to issue your ticket. For a successful ticket purchase, please verify your credit card. Send supporting documents to the email address … during the time of the reservation.

Documents required for confirmation of successful payment:

   1. A copy of the first page of the passport of the card holder.

   2. A copy of the front of the card with which the payment is made.

You can hide the digits of the card number except the last 4 digits, which must be clearly visible.

Technical experts will analyze the information for further processing and issuance.

All the above data is destroyed immediately after examination.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

After receiving the above supporting documents, with the successful passage of control, the transaction is successful.

If the payment system rejects the evidence shall be reported to the Buyer, the reservation is cancelled, spaces (or other reserved services) will be returned to sale. The same happens if the Buyer does not send the requested documents. In this case, if the tickets (or other services of the website relevant to you, suggest you re-create the booking and make a payment by another method or to use another card.

Online verification of card ownership

In some cases, after attempting to pay for the order opening the reservation in the section “Account”, the Buyer will see this message and procedure. Please do the following no later than 15 minutes since the attempted payment.

Attention! Your card has not passed anti-fraud filter.

We need to make sure that you are indeed the owner of the Bank card. for security reasons, we will block your card a random amount 0.01-1.00 USD (depending on currency). From the drop-down list, select the currency in which the blocked random amount click “BLOCK”. As the owner of the card find out what the random amount blocked on your card.

the size of the locked amount you can learn:

   1. Internet banking refers to your map – in a statement last transaction.

   2. SMS from the Bank if your card active SMS notification on transactions.

   3. Bank's customer support service (phone number is written on the back of the card) ask the store in which the last transaction and how much money was blocked on the map.

In the field below indicate the amount that was blocked, and then click “CONFIRM”.

After timely completion of the confirmation, if the blocked random amount coincides with the amount you specify — the payment order will be accepted. If the amounts do not match or the Buyer will not perform the above actions — payments will not be accepted; cancelled; funds are automatically razvlekayutsya on the map for 3 hours. What to do when you receive a request for confirmation of card ownership? If your payment was identified as suspicious, not to worry. Some acquiring banks ask for proof of card ownership in 60% of cases. Having received the request for confirmation, follow these simple steps and get paid for ordering.