Special offer: Sale from Air France and KLM от 2257 грн
The big sale of air tickets from Air France and KLM — till September, 20th special discounts for air flights work! All routes of air carriers to Asia, Europe and America take part in the campaign, the special offer applies to economy class and business class flights. Flights, depending on the range and direction, provide for transplants in Amsterdam or Paris.
Europe: Promotional tariffs apply to flights from Kiev to Manchester, Zurich, Edinburgh, Oslo, Milan, Marseille and other EU cities. The minimum fare is available on flights to Dublin (from 4457 hryvnia per flight in both directions).
America: Promotional tariffs operate on flights from Kiev to Boston, Atlanta, Detroit, Cancun, Chicago, Mexico City and other cities of America. The minimum fare is available on flights to New York (from 13052 hryvnia for the flight to both sides).
Asia: Promotional tariffs are valid for flights from Kiev to Bangkok, Singapore, Tokyo, Oslo, Male, Hong Kong and other cities in Asia. The minimum fare is available on flights to Hong Kong (from 15,785 hryvnia for a two way flight).
Travel period passengers can choose from any available in the schedule Air France and KLM dates between October 1, 2017 and April 25, 2018 with the exception of flights carried out from December 20 to January 7.
To book air tickets on the specified promotion, you can use the menu of independent selection of tickets on the site Online Tickets by reference or contact the managers of the service in the office:
- city of Dnepr, st. Shevchenko, 36 (entrance from Sichovyh Streltsov Street, 2)
- +38 (050) 383-91-91
- +38 (067) 531-14-11
Also the manager can book a hotel for you, book transfers, rent a car abroad, sightseeing, entertaining programs and tickets for events. If you require these or other services for your trip, inform the manager about this when booking your ticket, and our specialist will take care of all aspects of your upcoming trip.