Special offer: Kiev-Simferopol от 1940 грн
Airline Yanair opens new routes on regular basis from Kiev to Simferopol!
Want to go to the Crimea?
To purchase electronic tickets on the flights from Kiev to Simferopol and back on the service website Online Tikets is just 1940 UAH!
The flights will be operated daily from the airport Zhulyany, Kiev, in the period from 25.10.14 30.03.14 on.
The departure time from Kyiv 19:00, arrival time: 21:00.
Time of departure from Simferopol: 07:20, arrival time: 09:20.
Information about tickets can be obtained by calling:
- (0562) 31-91-91
- (050) 420-20-21
Starting date: 26.02.2014
Expiration date : 25.10.2014