Freedom of choice
Freedom of choice

Special offer: Kiev — Havana — Kiev от $910

Free Cuba became closer — a promotional fare for air tickets to Havana from Kiev from Air France and KLM will make it possible to travel more, easier and more comfortable! Discounts on special fares apply to flights in economy, premium and business classes of airlines.

The price of tickets Kiev — Havana — Kiev: from $910 for the flight in both directions. Book and pay for air travel is required no later than August 10, 2017, the journey can be made until March 31, 2018 inclusive. The number of seats with a discount on each flight is limited!

To buy plane tickets to Havana at a discount, you can use the search form for tickets on the Online Tickets site or contact the company's physical office:


Special offer has finished

Starting date: 18.07.2017
Expiration date : 10.08.2017