Freedom of choice
Freedom of choice

Special offer: Kiev-Barcelona-Kiev от 6900 грн

Cheap flights to Barcelona from UIA!

To buy tickets for flight Kiev — Barcelona — Kiev is only 6900 USD for the round trip, ticket price already includes all taxes and fees.

The ticket sales period: until March 20, 2015.

Departure date available in the period from 8 may to 5 June 2015.

To buy an e-ticket for a flight from Kiev to Barcelona from UIA. on the website Online Tickets in section self booking and ordering tickets or through our physical office is located at the address: Dnipropetrovsk, Artema str., 2.

Contact the call center service Online Tickets for details about the availability of tickets from UIA on the date or in case of any questions related to ordering tickets online, please call:

You can also contact the managers using the online chat located right on the website page, and request a call back.

Special offer has finished

Starting date: 10.03.2015
Expiration date : 20.03.2015