Special offer: Kiev-Amsterdam-Kiev от 2445 грн
Best prices on flights from Kiev! Special rates from UIA!
Looking for a flight from Kiev to Amsterdam? Service selling electronic tickets Online Tikets always have the latest promotion on flights to the Netherlands.
You can buy an electronic ticket for the flight Kiev-Amsterdam-Kiev in both directions through our service is just 2445 hryvnia (the price shown is for round trip tickets with all airport taxes).
Departure: on 05.02.14 at 30.03.14.
Ticket selling: to 06.02.14.
Have questions about tickets in the Netherlands? Our managers are always ready to help you!
Contact phone:
- (0562) 31-91-91
- (050) 420-20-21
Starting date: 03.02.2014
Expiration date : 06.02.2014