Special offer: Dnepropetrovsk-Warsaw от 2620 грн
Best prices on flights from Dnepropetrovsk! Regular rates from UIA!
Are you planning to go to Warsaw? Then on the website of the Online service Registered you will receive a special promotional offer!
To buy a ticket to Warsaw with a departure from Dnepropetrovsk you can in our service: the ticket for the flight Dnepropetrovsk-Warsaw round-trip inclusive of all airport charges today costs only 2620 UAH.
Flights to Warsaw are performed every day except Friday.
More detailed information about the flight Dnepropetrovsk-Warsaw, you can get from our managers by phone:
- (0562) 31-91-91
- (050) 420-20-21
Starting date: 03.02.2014
Expiration date : 31.07.2014