Special offer: Dnepropetrovsk-Toulouse-Dnepropetrovsk от $354
Turkish Airlines: flight from Dnepropetrovsk to Toulouse
To buy tickets Turkish Airlines from Ukraine to France at a discount until the end of December 2014. The price of the tickets for the flight Dnepropetrovsk-Toulouse — Dnepropetrovsk in the period the sale is only $354 for travel in both directions. The cost of e-tickets is already included airport taxes.
Departure date is available from 1 December 2014 to 31 may 2015 except from 15 December 2014 to 15 January 2015.
Contact the call center service Online Tickets for details about the availability of tickets to France from Ukraine with departure from Dnepropetrovsk on the date or in case of any questions, to order tickets online, please call:
- +38 (0562) 31-91-91
- +38 (050) 383-91-91
You can also contact the managers using the online chat located right on the page. You can also request a call back.
Office Online Tikets is located at:
- Dnipropetrovsk, Artema str., 2