Special offer: Dnepropetrovsk-Stockholm от 4605 грн
Special offer from UIA:
The price of tickets from Dnepropetrovsk to Stockholm and back if you purchase before 30 June 2014 4605 UAH! To buy these tickets at a promotional fare on any desired flight date.
Book and buy those tickets you can always on the website Tikets Online yourself or contact our managers.
To contact call centre for more information and check the availability of tickets on the right days you can call:
- (0562) 31-91-91
- (050) 420-20-21
Also you can quickly contact our managers or request a call back via online chat located on the right.
Office Online Tikets is located at:
- Dnipropetrovsk, Artema str., 2
Starting date: 23.06.2014
Expiration date : 30.06.2014