Freedom of choice
Freedom of choice

Special offer: Dnepropetrovsk-Montreal-Dnipropetrovsk от 11440 грн

Cheap air tickets from Turkish airlines!

Just before the end of the month you can buy flight tickets, Turkish Airlines discounts. Departures are made from Dnepropetrovsk.

Flight to Canada, Dnepropetrovsk — Montreal — Dnepropetrovsk

Ticket price in both directions: from 11440 UAH (including all airport taxes).

Period of sale of electronic tickets: until 31 October 2014.

The time of committing flights: from 01 Oct 2014 to 31 Mar 2015.

You have questions or problems with booking tickets?

Contact the call center service Online Tickets for details about ticket availability for your dates please call:

You can also ask a question our managers or request a call back via online chat located on the right.

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Special offer has finished

Starting date: 01.10.2014
Expiration date : 31.10.2014