Special offer: Dnepropetrovsk-Almaty от 3565 грн
Best prices on flights from Dnepropetrovsk! Regular rates from UIA!
Looking for a flight from Dnepropetrovsk to Almaty? Service selling electronic tickets Online Tikets always have the latest promotions on flight to Kazakhstan.
Buy a plane ticket Dnepropetrovsk-Alma-ATA in both directions on our website, you can only 3565 UAH. The price is specified taking into account all airport taxes.
Schedule of departures from Dnipropetrovsk: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
Have questions about the tickets to Kazakhstan? Our managers are always ready to help you!
Contact phone:
- (0562) 31-91-91
- (050) 420-20-21
Starting date: 03.02.2014
Expiration date : 31.07.2014