Special offer: Tickets to Paris от 6350 грн
Excellent fares for flights from Air France for flights Kiev — Paris — Kiev!
The minimum price for plane tickets to Paris from the capital of Ukraine is 6350 hryvnia for flights without luggage (only hand luggage) and 7780 hryvnia at a rate in which the luggage space is already included (bag weight should not exceed 23 kg). The indicated cost of air tickets also includes all taxes and airport taxes.
Special rates do not provide for restrictions for dates of ticket purchase and travel.
Important! The number of seats for promotional rates for each Air France flight is limited! Have time to book your flight ahead of time!
To buy Kiev — Paris — Kiev plane tickets, you can contact the managers of the physical office of the online booking service «Online Tickets» or book your flight on our website:
- City of Dnepr, st. Shevchenko, 36 (entrance from Sichovyh Streltsov Street, 2)
- +38 (050) 383-91-91
- +38 (067) 531-14-11
- Buy air tickets online