Special offer: Action airBaltic flights from Kiev от $70
Special rates on tickets from Kiev airBaltic: flights via Riga to Lithuania, Latvia, Sweden, France, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Estonia, the Czech Republic and Russia can book from just $70!
Big sale of tickets from airBaltic will last until August 28, 2016, to this day you can book and buy flight tickets with promotional fares for flights during the period 1 September 2016 to 31 March 2017. The ticket price is specified taking into account airport charges.
Shares in airBaltic participate such transit flights:
- Kiev — Riga — Vilnius: from $70
- Kiev — Riga — Palanga: from $88
- Kiev — Riga — Stockholm: from $92
- Kiev — Riga — Paris: from $110
- Kiev — Riga — Helsinki: from $110
- Kiev — Riga — Prague: from $110
- Kiev — Riga — Oslo: from $110
- Kiev — Riga — Moscow: from $110
- Kiev — Riga — St. Petersburg: from $110
- Kiev — Riga — Copenhagen: from $114
- Kiev — Riga — Tallinn: from $114
- Kiev — Riga — Billund: from $114
- Kiev — Riga — Turku: from $125
Also promo fares are valid on direct flights from Kiev to Riga:
- Kiev — Riga: from $112
- Kiev — Riga — Kiev: from $159
To buy tickets airline airBaltic in the framework of the existing shares, one of the best selection of tickets at the top of the page or contact the Manager of the service Online Tikets Ukraine to book the tickets in our office. You can also ask a question about the availability of seats on the flight, the flight schedule and the terms of special offers of the airline via online chat located right on the website.