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Freedom of choice

Traditional autumn discounts at hotels of Europe


In October, many hotels in Europe offer seasonal discounts. At this time to book a room in hotels of Czech Republic, Spain, France, Germany and other countries tourists with discounts up to 40%. For example, in October the cost of a night in a hotel in Barcelona tour cost €148, which is 15% lower than the September value.

Discount you can also relax on the French Riviera. For example, hotels in Cannes fell by 7%, nice – 25%. Also dropped the prices of hotels in Ibiza – now guests can save up to 38% off the regular amount.

In addition, also cheaper rooms in hotels of Grenada (about 14%, the average price: €77), Munich (by 18%, the average price: €174), Milan (18% average price: €152), Amsterdam (19%, average price: €161), Berlin (14%, the average price: €100).

Traditional discounts on hotels in Europe start in October, but the best prices in European hotels are becoming in mid-November. Of course, except when the city hosts large-scale events-exhibitions, festivals, games, etc.

Also in October and November, the low rates may offer hotels Zaragoza (EUR 68) and Sofia (€66). If we talk about prices for hotels in the range of €90, tourists can pay attention to the following options: Budapest (€81), Bucharest (€75), Warsaw (€76), Riga (€72), málaga (€80), Valencia (€75), Athens (€87).

In addition, many hotels develop special package deals for tourists, thanks to which guests can save on accommodation, getting maximum bonuses. Some hotels offer booking rooms only on certain days. For example, when booking Monday to Thursday, tourists will be provided with additional discount. Also when booking a certain room type, the cost may include additional services: complimentary SPA treatment for two, complimentary full-service Spa and a romantic candlelight dinner in the room and so on.

In addition to discount European hotels attract tourists with unusual services. For example, some hotels offer special conditions for accommodation with a pet, special pillow menu, children's services, sommelier and more. Often in hotels conducted various workshops in which could participate any visitor of the hotel.

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Date of publication: 21.10.2013

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