Features of holiday in Italy: what not to do

Holiday in Italy, bright, Sunny country today is very popular among tourists from Ukraine.
A holiday in this country, was a great success and left only a pleasant experience, travellers should definitely consider some details — small, but quite unexpected.
Features of holiday in Italy many may seem unusual, funny or even strange, but to see this list still stands, especially if you intend to visit the country for the first time.
1. The language barrier in Italy
In many countries – as in European States, and small exotic countries, English language is quite common. Somewhere more popular in English, where German or French, but in any case, almost always, foreign tourists can count on the possibility of at least a minimum required communication with the administration of hotels, guides, support staff, drivers, etc., but in Italy this issue is somewhat different.
If your selected hotel is quite big and located in a large city such as Rome or Naples, the odds are more or less free communication in any other language other than Italian will be quite high, but closer to the province and in small hotels you can count on such a luxury is not necessary. In the same way is the situation with restaurants, shops and attractions – in most places the Italians just do not understand you, so be sure to take the Ukrainian-Italian or Russian-Italian PhraseBook.
2. Communicating with the Italians
The Italians are very, very sociable, they not only love to talk – hard, fast, and loud, causing the present confusion have been the first time in Italy by foreign tourists, but also with great pleasure to give advice.
And it does not matter, asked them this advice or not – if any problems with the language barrier the interlocutor no, he will definitely tell, show and strongly advise a lot of different things, often quite unexpected.
3. Rules of behavior in Italy
Italy, of course, a very warm country, and the mild climate is conducive to easy open clothes, but these outfits are not appropriate everywhere. For example, the woman very open or a short dress will not be allowed on the territory of the Holy places-temples and religious sites.
Therefore, if you plan to visit any of these tourist facilities will or to choose is not very revealing clothes, or to take any jacket, Cape or wide scarf that you can throw on the bare shoulders.
4. Especially Parking in Italy
This item will be especially useful for those who travel to Italy by car or take the car to rent: in the country Parking spaces are marked in a special way. Parking spaces marked with white paint means Parking is allowed for all, and yellow – only for drivers with disabilities. Blue paint marked paid Parking, and pink – only Parking places for pregnant women.
Also you should definitely pay attention to the signs. For example, a sign with the text “Zona di Rimozione” noted the areas from which parked cars get tow trucks, and “Divieto di Sosta” means a complete Parking ban.
The Italians, of course, often decide the question of finding Parking spaces much easier – leave your transport just on the sidewalk, but to follow or no tourists their example – this is a separate issue.
5. The roads in Italy
Traveling in Italy by car, it is also worth considering the peculiarities of local roads: the quality of paid tracks and freeways here, of course, but like alternative free roads can present many surprises.
Quite a large number of short roads marked on Google maps and GPS's are not as passable as I would like drivers. The narrow roadway with one-way traffic, lots of potholes, no lights and even asphalt – this is only a small part of what may a motorist face, decided to go the shorter route on the free road.
6. Punctuality in Italy
If we talk about punctuality, to the Italians this concept is generally not very applicable. Italian time living his life, so if you set up a meeting, for example, 17:00, you'd better be ready to wait at least 10-15 minutes — this is not considered here is delay.
In addition, in Italy, you may encounter inconsistencies declared official and actual schedules of work — shops and restaurants can start their working day late and finish earlier than indicated on the sign, or even a sudden close for lunch, generally not provided for in the work schedule.
7. Italian cuisine
In every region of the country Italian cuisine of its own, so if you want to be pampered during a trip to Italy some traditional Italian treat to start is to find out where in Italy they make this dish in the original recipe. Probably the only exception would be dessert tiramisu — despite the fact that his homeland is Veneto and Lombardy, it can be ordered in almost any restaurant or cafe Italy – it is always delicious.
In addition, if you don't want to hear how Italian waiters yell, in no case do not mix seafood and cheese. Here it is consider a sin, misalliance and barbarism-in-one – despite the fact that in recent years, there were even a few dishes, which are certain varieties of cheese are combined with fish or shellfish, no self-respecting Italian (except, perhaps, somewhat eccentric young people) will not be there. The same effect may cause cutting spaghetti with a steak knife – few citizens of Italy will be able to look at such a picture.
Where to try:
- Pesto — Genoa
- Lasagna, ravioli and Bolognese-Bologna
- Legs veal Milanese and risotto — Milan
- Spaghetti amatriciana sauce, pasta Carbonara, a dish of lamb — Rome
- Pizza — Naples
- Bresaola and polenta-Gnocchi
- Prosciutto — Central Italy
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