Freedom of choice
Freedom of choice

The biggest airports in the world — the five giants


Today the flight — the fastest way to travel. A road that only recently could not even take weeks, but months, now overcome by Airliners in a few hours.

Maximum speed, maximum comfort, maximum safety — that's the motto of modern airlines and millions of passengers from all over the world happy to use their services for their travel. It is quite natural that large passengers requires a really large airports, so existing hubs moderniziriruyutsya and constantly expanding, and new — are being built at an accelerated pace.

Did you know that some airports in the world exceed the size of a fairly large city? Excellent infrastructure, modern design, a huge choice available to passengers services to make them kind of big cities, living their lives inside the other, these cities.

Today we have prepared a rating of the largest airports in the world — these giants capture the imagination. They definitely need to see at least once, because some of them can safely be called world wonder!

1. Airport of king Fahd in Saudi Arabia

Imagine Riga. Presented? Now increase it twice and you will get a international airport of king Fahd. The largest airport in the world is really a huge territory — 780 square kilometers!

The six-level terminals, one of which, Royal, serving only the Royal family, two two-kilometer runway, mosque, designed for two thousand people, huge Parking that can accommodate up to four thousand cars — all this allows the airport in Dammam to serve really huge number of passengers. By the way, it is worth noting that the airport «King Fahd” is not in full force due to not very convenient locations, but gradually the situation is changing, and only for the last ten years, passenger traffic has increased more than four times.

2. Denver airport in the USA

Opened in 1995, the Denver airport, the largest in the United States (140 km²), perhaps shrouded in the greatest number of rumors and mysteries, most of which are associated with its unusual architectural and design solutions.

It is called a key link in the conspiracy theories and give endless lists of evidence supporting the mysterious functions of the airport. For example, the roof of the terminal, made in the form of white tents, symbolizing the Rocky Mountains: you can hear a lot of explanations for this, including “Indian” version — to perform the roof in the form of wigwams allegedly demanded from the municipal authorities of Denver Indian chiefs, since then just projected airport was once the ancient cemetery of the indigenous inhabitants of the continent. More popular, by the way, another theory associated with the same global conspiracy — made of fiberglass and Teflon "tents" well isolated inside a scanning thermal imagers, which could allow covert presence inside the airport a large number of people. Yes, according to rumors, under the airport is a maze of underground tunnels, bunkers and so on, because during its construction it was taken is really a large amount of land — the third of what has been learned in the creation of the Panama canal.

Also to the list of “strange” the airport include a fairly provocative paintings by contemporary artists that adorn the main terminal of Denver international airport — the eerie soldier in a gas mask, destroying houses, dead girls and dead leopard, baby, reforge the sword — all this excites the minds of people who are confident in the existence of world conspiracies, wars, genocide, and world domination.

And, of course, the gigantic horse statue at Denver airport, dubbed “the pale horse of the Apocalypse” for the eerie appearance and glowing red eyes. With this local landmark, by the way, connected the real story — the author of this sculpture, Luis Jimenez, died while working on it, so “blue horse” was completed and installed after his death.

3. Airport Hartsfield-Jackson in the US

Located in Atlanta airport Hartsfield-Jackson let not the world's largest, but the busiest — every year he misses more than 90 million passengers, that is even more than London Heathrow and Paris Charles de Gaulle (70 and 60 million passengers, respectively). The Atlanta airport is not very well known outside the States, because it serves mainly domestic flights, but the record was 250 000 passengers who pass through its terminals every day, making it the busiest airport in the world, despite the relatively small area — a total of about 2,000 hectares.

4. Beijing capital international Airport in China

The largest airport in Asia, Chinese capital international Airport, is the fourth largest in the world and the second-busiest. Three large-scale reconstruction, which resulted in an excellent modern infrastructure, and a very nice price at the on-site stores, exactly the same as outside the airport, making it convenient for travelers. What to say — Beijing capital international airport annually serves 80 million passengers and that figure speaks for itself.

It is worth noting that in Beijing built another international airport, scheduled to open in 2020. According to the project, its capacity will be 130 million passengers, making it the biggest and busiest hub in the world. King Fahd, you will soon have a serious competitor!

5. Dubai international Airport in UAE

The United Arab Emirates today — the symbol of luxury and comfort, a real fairy tale come to reality. The same can be said about Dubai airport — in just half a century from the tiny airport terminal it turned into a Megastore, spread over vast territories. Four hotels, numerous shops, a large Spa centre, several pools, and free rental of strollers and electric cars, about 30 restaurants, cafes and bars, a business centre, various services make it one of the most modern and functional in the world, a true Paradise for travelers!

Worthy of special attention to airport security, providing including and scanning of the retina — procedure mandatory for all passengers.


Date of publication: 01.07.2016