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Cheap tickets Odessa — Istanbul — Odessa

The action of air tickets Odessa-Istanbul from MAU!

To buy tickets for the flight Odessa-Istanbul-Odessa, Ukraine-both sides in just 3550 UAH. The price of the flight is specified taking into account all airport taxes.

Sale period discounted airline tickets is not limited. Date of flight should be between 15 January and 28 February 2015.

Please note until February 28, 2015 you can buy discount tickets to Istanbul from Kiev on March flights! Detailed information on link.

For more information about the availability of tickets to Istanbul from Odessa on the date or in case of any issues ordering online please call in to contact the call center service Online Tickets please call:

You can also contact the managers of our booking service via online chat located right on the page. Also here you can request a call back.

Office Online Tikets is located at:


Starting date: 25.11.2014
Expiration date : 28.02.2015

Specials are over